- Dig it out (from your desk) = take it out.
- Just like it is. (그냥 이것처럼)
- Just because. (그냥)
- Copy please just like it is.
(그냥 이것처럼 똑같이 카피해줘)
- Hang on = hold on = just a sec. (잠깐만 기다려줘)
- That doesn't look like a pot. (그거 냄비처럼 안보이는데.)
- Draw a pot on a stove. (레인지 위에 있는 냄비 그려봐)
- Do you understand how it works? (어떻게 작동하는지 이해했어?)
- I'm gonna empty this. (내가 이거 비울게.)
- I'm gonna dump it out. (내가 이거 버릴게.)
- Yours is gonna be bigger than mine. (네 것이 나의 것보다 크겠다.)
Keep Calm and Study English
Saturday, December 24, 2016
- Is your test handed in?
- Get your test out. And finish it.
- Do you get paid? (돈 받고 일해요?)
- You changed it back. (너 다시 바꿨구나)
- I'm giving you an answer for number 12.
(내가 12번 답 알려줄게)
- I said "white please"
(나 white please라고 말했어요.)
- This is what I drew. (이게 내가 그린거에요)
- Few more minutes. (몇분더 줄게.)
- I'll figure it out. (내가 풀어볼게)
- Figure out the variable. (이 변수 구해봐)
- I'll give you 4 marks.
- right, there and back. 그래, 거기랑 뒤.
- Copy off.
- stop being lazy. 게으름좀 그만피워.
- copy it down. (이거 베껴.) ^^
- I am being lazy.
- You are being polite.
- How are your hands so big?
(야 너 진짜 손크다.)
- You guys are just only first one done.
(너네 여지껏 하나 풀었자너)
- You did them by yourself?
(너 그거 혼자 다 한거야?)
- I dare you to cut your hair.
(나는 너가 머리좀 잘랐으면 좋겠어)
- Haunted house. (무서운 집) (폐가..?)
- How was the score?
- What was the score? (점수가 어떻게 됐냐?)
- I didn't mark anybody else. (나 아무도 아직 채점 안했어)
- Focus on your own screen. (너 화면에만 집중해라)
- How can I lower brightness? (어떻게 밝기 줄이죠?)
- upper case (대문자)
- lower case (소문자)
- upper letter / lower letter
- Capitalized 대문자화 시키다.
-Capital 대문자.
- Get your test out. And finish it.
- Do you get paid? (돈 받고 일해요?)
- You changed it back. (너 다시 바꿨구나)
- I'm giving you an answer for number 12.
(내가 12번 답 알려줄게)
- I said "white please"
(나 white please라고 말했어요.)
- This is what I drew. (이게 내가 그린거에요)
- Few more minutes. (몇분더 줄게.)
- I'll figure it out. (내가 풀어볼게)
- Figure out the variable. (이 변수 구해봐)
- I'll give you 4 marks.
- right, there and back. 그래, 거기랑 뒤.
- Copy off.
- stop being lazy. 게으름좀 그만피워.
- copy it down. (이거 베껴.) ^^
- I am being lazy.
- You are being polite.
- How are your hands so big?
(야 너 진짜 손크다.)
- You guys are just only first one done.
(너네 여지껏 하나 풀었자너)
- You did them by yourself?
(너 그거 혼자 다 한거야?)
- I dare you to cut your hair.
(나는 너가 머리좀 잘랐으면 좋겠어)
- Haunted house. (무서운 집) (폐가..?)
- How was the score?
- What was the score? (점수가 어떻게 됐냐?)
- I didn't mark anybody else. (나 아무도 아직 채점 안했어)
- Focus on your own screen. (너 화면에만 집중해라)
- How can I lower brightness? (어떻게 밝기 줄이죠?)
- upper case (대문자)
- lower case (소문자)
- upper letter / lower letter
- Capitalized 대문자화 시키다.
-Capital 대문자.
- Why are you standing over there?
(왜 거기 서있냐?)
- You are supposed to be done.
(우리 끝내야한다.)
- How would you get in there?
(어떻게 거기 들어갈건데?)
- How would you get the 'M'?
(M어떻게 구할거야?)
- How would you figure it out?
(어떻게 풀거야?)
- Hand in = 제출하다.
- Hand out =나눠주다.
- Dig out your math. (수학 꺼내라)
- Your reading away. (보던거 집어넣어라)
(you are reading away?)
- How many words did you get wrong?
(얼마나 틀렸어?)
- Put it back. (집어넣어라.)
- We are supposed to ~ (우리 뭐뭐해야한다.)
- Are we supposed to ~? (우리 뭐해야되요?)
- We are supposed to work on math now. (우리 지금 수학해야한다.)
- Are we supposed to work on math? ( 우리 지금 수학해야되요?)
(왜 거기 서있냐?)
- You are supposed to be done.
(우리 끝내야한다.)
- How would you get in there?
(어떻게 거기 들어갈건데?)
- How would you get the 'M'?
(M어떻게 구할거야?)
- How would you figure it out?
(어떻게 풀거야?)
- Hand in = 제출하다.
- Hand out =나눠주다.
- Dig out your math. (수학 꺼내라)
- Your reading away. (보던거 집어넣어라)
(you are reading away?)
- How many words did you get wrong?
(얼마나 틀렸어?)
- Put it back. (집어넣어라.)
- We are supposed to ~ (우리 뭐뭐해야한다.)
- Are we supposed to ~? (우리 뭐해야되요?)
- We are supposed to work on math now. (우리 지금 수학해야한다.)
- Are we supposed to work on math? ( 우리 지금 수학해야되요?)
- Lighter 더 옅게. You can make it lighter.
- blow up. 더 크게 만들다. (make it bigger)
- Mr.Kong, can you blow up this?
- It has been crazy, busy day.
- someone has been stealing my lined paper. 누가 내 라인드 페이펄 훔쳐가고 있따.
- Can I borrow you? (잠깐 당신과 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
- Can I talk to you for a minute? (잠깐 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
- Can I steal someone? (누구좀 잠시 데려가도 될까요?)
- Can I interrupt you? (잠깐 방해해도 될까요?)
- Can I get a drink? (물좀 마시고 와도 되요?)
- We are in middle of something. (우리는 뭔가에 대해 진행중이다.)
- When I see that behavior again, you are on a bench.
(내가 그 행동 다시보면, 너는 벤치에 앉을 줄 알아라.)
- The bell is going to ring soon. (곧 벨이 울릴거다.)
- We don't need everybody back there.
(모두다 거기 뒤에 있을 필요가 없다) => 왜 다 거기 뒤에 있냐?
- You need to back up a little bit. (조금 뒤로 가라 (책상))
- We need to work on math. (우리 수학해야한다.)
- Are you in his group? (너 쟤랑 그룹이야?)
- That's what I am doing. (그게 내가 하고 있는거야)
- That would be bigger that this. (저게 이거 보다 더 커야되는데..)
- Can this be the moon? (이게 달이 될 수 있나요?)
- This one is straighter. (this = hardcover, (than book))
(I asked like this. 'how about using a folder?)
- Toothpicks. 이쑤시개.
- blow up. 더 크게 만들다. (make it bigger)
- Mr.Kong, can you blow up this?
- It has been crazy, busy day.
- someone has been stealing my lined paper. 누가 내 라인드 페이펄 훔쳐가고 있따.
- Can I borrow you? (잠깐 당신과 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
- Can I talk to you for a minute? (잠깐 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
- Can I steal someone? (누구좀 잠시 데려가도 될까요?)
- Can I interrupt you? (잠깐 방해해도 될까요?)
- Can I get a drink? (물좀 마시고 와도 되요?)
- We are in middle of something. (우리는 뭔가에 대해 진행중이다.)
- When I see that behavior again, you are on a bench.
(내가 그 행동 다시보면, 너는 벤치에 앉을 줄 알아라.)
- The bell is going to ring soon. (곧 벨이 울릴거다.)
- We don't need everybody back there.
(모두다 거기 뒤에 있을 필요가 없다) => 왜 다 거기 뒤에 있냐?
- You need to back up a little bit. (조금 뒤로 가라 (책상))
- We need to work on math. (우리 수학해야한다.)
- Are you in his group? (너 쟤랑 그룹이야?)
- That's what I am doing. (그게 내가 하고 있는거야)
- That would be bigger that this. (저게 이거 보다 더 커야되는데..)
- Can this be the moon? (이게 달이 될 수 있나요?)
- This one is straighter. (this = hardcover, (than book))
(I asked like this. 'how about using a folder?)
- Toothpicks. 이쑤시개.
Sneeze and Spray.
Sneeze on Lliam.
리암에게 재채기 해따.
- You know how to skate?
-That's a big step. 큰 발전이다. 큰 한걸음이다.
-Are you also dressing up? 너도 잘 차려입을거야?
- Can I reach it for you? 내가 저거 높이 있는거 지워줄까?
-Sanitizer 세니타이저 (소독제) - Hand sanitizer 손소독제.
- Take a drink properly. 잘 마셔라. 흘리지말고.
- Do you wanna see another different?
- Even if I knew the answers, I can't tell you.
- I can't answer it for you.
- So there is consonant taking here. that means consonant not working.
- Everybody is back to the desk / back to the classroom.
- That' because they are little.
- Good, so you can stay longer.
- This file shows the steps. 이 파일이 단계를 보여준다.
- Only two of us finished. 단지 두명만 끝냈다.
- Do you want one of these. 너 여기중에 하나 원해?
- I'll show you what to do. 뭐해야될지 보여줄게.
- This time, we are not finishing.
- get outside. 밖으로 나가.
- remind me the boiler. 생각나게 해줘. 물끓이는거.
- I am not spoiling. 나는 스포일 하지 않을 거다.
Sneeze on Lliam.
리암에게 재채기 해따.
- You know how to skate?
-That's a big step. 큰 발전이다. 큰 한걸음이다.
-Are you also dressing up? 너도 잘 차려입을거야?
- Can I reach it for you? 내가 저거 높이 있는거 지워줄까?
-Sanitizer 세니타이저 (소독제) - Hand sanitizer 손소독제.
- Take a drink properly. 잘 마셔라. 흘리지말고.
- Do you wanna see another different?
- Even if I knew the answers, I can't tell you.
- I can't answer it for you.
- So there is consonant taking here. that means consonant not working.
- Everybody is back to the desk / back to the classroom.
- That' because they are little.
- Good, so you can stay longer.
- This file shows the steps. 이 파일이 단계를 보여준다.
- Only two of us finished. 단지 두명만 끝냈다.
- Do you want one of these. 너 여기중에 하나 원해?
- I'll show you what to do. 뭐해야될지 보여줄게.
- This time, we are not finishing.
- get outside. 밖으로 나가.
- remind me the boiler. 생각나게 해줘. 물끓이는거.
- I am not spoiling. 나는 스포일 하지 않을 거다.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
toodle. (goodbye)
Hi, I'd like to know what does "toodles" mean. I really don't have context because a friend of mine used this like a goodbye, but I hope you'll can to help me however.
I found this explanation:
Toodles (or tootles):
Is "tourelou" French? I didn't find it nor on the French dictionary, nor on the English one. And what does it mean too? Thank you so much!
I found this explanation:
Toodles (or tootles):
- A shortened, more casual version of the expression tourelou (Anglicized as "toodle-oo"), meaning
Is "tourelou" French? I didn't find it nor on the French dictionary, nor on the English one. And what does it mean too? Thank you so much!
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