Saturday, December 24, 2016
- Just like it is. (그냥 이것처럼)
- Just because. (그냥)
- Copy please just like it is.
(그냥 이것처럼 똑같이 카피해줘)
- Hang on = hold on = just a sec. (잠깐만 기다려줘)
- That doesn't look like a pot. (그거 냄비처럼 안보이는데.)
- Draw a pot on a stove. (레인지 위에 있는 냄비 그려봐)
- Do you understand how it works? (어떻게 작동하는지 이해했어?)
- I'm gonna empty this. (내가 이거 비울게.)
- I'm gonna dump it out. (내가 이거 버릴게.)
- Yours is gonna be bigger than mine. (네 것이 나의 것보다 크겠다.)
- Get your test out. And finish it.
- Do you get paid? (돈 받고 일해요?)
- You changed it back. (너 다시 바꿨구나)
- I'm giving you an answer for number 12.
(내가 12번 답 알려줄게)
- I said "white please"
(나 white please라고 말했어요.)
- This is what I drew. (이게 내가 그린거에요)
- Few more minutes. (몇분더 줄게.)
- I'll figure it out. (내가 풀어볼게)
- Figure out the variable. (이 변수 구해봐)
- I'll give you 4 marks.
- right, there and back. 그래, 거기랑 뒤.
- Copy off.
- stop being lazy. 게으름좀 그만피워.
- copy it down. (이거 베껴.) ^^
- I am being lazy.
- You are being polite.
- How are your hands so big?
(야 너 진짜 손크다.)
- You guys are just only first one done.
(너네 여지껏 하나 풀었자너)
- You did them by yourself?
(너 그거 혼자 다 한거야?)
- I dare you to cut your hair.
(나는 너가 머리좀 잘랐으면 좋겠어)
- Haunted house. (무서운 집) (폐가..?)
- How was the score?
- What was the score? (점수가 어떻게 됐냐?)
- I didn't mark anybody else. (나 아무도 아직 채점 안했어)
- Focus on your own screen. (너 화면에만 집중해라)
- How can I lower brightness? (어떻게 밝기 줄이죠?)
- upper case (대문자)
- lower case (소문자)
- upper letter / lower letter
- Capitalized 대문자화 시키다.
-Capital 대문자.
(왜 거기 서있냐?)
- You are supposed to be done.
(우리 끝내야한다.)
- How would you get in there?
(어떻게 거기 들어갈건데?)
- How would you get the 'M'?
(M어떻게 구할거야?)
- How would you figure it out?
(어떻게 풀거야?)
- Hand in = 제출하다.
- Hand out =나눠주다.
- Dig out your math. (수학 꺼내라)
- Your reading away. (보던거 집어넣어라)
(you are reading away?)
- How many words did you get wrong?
(얼마나 틀렸어?)
- Put it back. (집어넣어라.)
- We are supposed to ~ (우리 뭐뭐해야한다.)
- Are we supposed to ~? (우리 뭐해야되요?)
- We are supposed to work on math now. (우리 지금 수학해야한다.)
- Are we supposed to work on math? ( 우리 지금 수학해야되요?)
- blow up. 더 크게 만들다. (make it bigger)
- Mr.Kong, can you blow up this?
- It has been crazy, busy day.
- someone has been stealing my lined paper. 누가 내 라인드 페이펄 훔쳐가고 있따.
- Can I borrow you? (잠깐 당신과 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
- Can I talk to you for a minute? (잠깐 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
- Can I steal someone? (누구좀 잠시 데려가도 될까요?)
- Can I interrupt you? (잠깐 방해해도 될까요?)
- Can I get a drink? (물좀 마시고 와도 되요?)
- We are in middle of something. (우리는 뭔가에 대해 진행중이다.)
- When I see that behavior again, you are on a bench.
(내가 그 행동 다시보면, 너는 벤치에 앉을 줄 알아라.)
- The bell is going to ring soon. (곧 벨이 울릴거다.)
- We don't need everybody back there.
(모두다 거기 뒤에 있을 필요가 없다) => 왜 다 거기 뒤에 있냐?
- You need to back up a little bit. (조금 뒤로 가라 (책상))
- We need to work on math. (우리 수학해야한다.)
- Are you in his group? (너 쟤랑 그룹이야?)
- That's what I am doing. (그게 내가 하고 있는거야)
- That would be bigger that this. (저게 이거 보다 더 커야되는데..)
- Can this be the moon? (이게 달이 될 수 있나요?)
- This one is straighter. (this = hardcover, (than book))
(I asked like this. 'how about using a folder?)
- Toothpicks. 이쑤시개.
Sneeze on Lliam.
리암에게 재채기 해따.
- You know how to skate?
-That's a big step. 큰 발전이다. 큰 한걸음이다.
-Are you also dressing up? 너도 잘 차려입을거야?
- Can I reach it for you? 내가 저거 높이 있는거 지워줄까?
-Sanitizer 세니타이저 (소독제) - Hand sanitizer 손소독제.
- Take a drink properly. 잘 마셔라. 흘리지말고.
- Do you wanna see another different?
- Even if I knew the answers, I can't tell you.
- I can't answer it for you.
- So there is consonant taking here. that means consonant not working.
- Everybody is back to the desk / back to the classroom.
- That' because they are little.
- Good, so you can stay longer.
- This file shows the steps. 이 파일이 단계를 보여준다.
- Only two of us finished. 단지 두명만 끝냈다.
- Do you want one of these. 너 여기중에 하나 원해?
- I'll show you what to do. 뭐해야될지 보여줄게.
- This time, we are not finishing.
- get outside. 밖으로 나가.
- remind me the boiler. 생각나게 해줘. 물끓이는거.
- I am not spoiling. 나는 스포일 하지 않을 거다.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
toodle. (goodbye)
I found this explanation:
Toodles (or tootles):
- A shortened, more casual version of the expression tourelou (Anglicized as "toodle-oo"), meaning
Is "tourelou" French? I didn't find it nor on the French dictionary, nor on the English one. And what does it mean too? Thank you so much!
literally 말그대로, (리럴리
corny, cheesy, tacky
corn. 옥수수.
-corny, 진부한 케케묵은. old and overused and lame.
새로운 내용은 전혀 없고, 결과가 뻔히 예상되는 스토리.
The movie was visually entertaining but the story line was really corny.
I spent all night with my grandpa, listening to his corny stories.
-cheesy, 저질의, 위선의, 거짓의.
over-the-top, flashy, sleeziness
뭔가 니글거리는 분위기? 느끼한 분위기?
I can't believe you took me to see this cheesy lounge singer.
He has a cheesy smile on his face. (=he has a fake plastered smile. )
cheesy joke
1. I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away.
2. I should call the police because you are stealing my heart.
-tacky. 초라한, 볼품없는 , 촌스러운. (타키)
멋을 낸다고 냈는데, 전혀 멋있지 않은 상태.
having bad style. lack of sophistication, cheap showiness.
look at those tacky yellow curtains.
it would be tacky to paint this room in pink colour.
Don't you think it was so tacky when he mentioned how much money he has.
corny는 뻔하다 뻔해. 이런느낌.
cheesy는 느끼한, 니글니글한 그런 느낌.
tacky는 촌스러운 이런느낌.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
There is one up there. 저기하나있다.
-Stays on task. 일에 집중하기.
-get along with others. 다른 사람들과 잘 지내기.
-Can get the work well.
-focus with stamina. 집중력 잃지않기.
-You are not focusing on with me.
-Share ideas and accept ideas.
-Roots of Empathy.
- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
- a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided."the launch came too close to violating safety criteria"
synonyms: standard, specification, measure, gauge, test, scale, benchmark, yardstick, touchstone,barometer; More
(From. Google.)
- Do you want to leave us?
- 너 여기 떠나고 싶니? 너 여기서 나갈래? 너 우리를 떠나고 싶니?
Put this symbol in here.
He is bold. 저 남자 대머리네.
This line means space, gap.
이 선은 공백을 의미해.
(when we were learning about standard form and expanded form. on math)
Don't fool around.
아 정신사납게 하지좀 마라.
You are going to pick your group.
You need to pick up a boy.
If you are not, you won't get a chance.
Why don't we put them together?
I was looking at 2-b instead of 1-b.
You've been on a super job today. 너 오늘 진짜 잘하고 있다.
Somebody is goofing around.
Somebody is fooling around.
Somebody is horsing around.
누군가 막 정신산만하게 하고 있다. (날뛰고 있다.)
*Goofy = Crazy or silly.
You've done such a great job today.
너 오늘 진짜 잘했다.
What are we supposed to do? 뭐 해야되요?
What are we supposed to work on?
뭐 해야되요?
Are we supposed to use only one computer?
우리 컴퓨터 1대만 사용하나요?
You are not insulting us.
너는 우리를 그렇게 모욕하면 안 된다.
You even don't go there.
심지어 거기까지 가면 안되지.
What are you staring at?
put up your hand.
put your hand up.
you are so being disrespectful. 너 진짜 버릇없다.
you are so mean. 너 진짜 버릇없어. 싸가지 없어.
you are being rude. 너 지금 버릇없는거 알지.
don't be rude. 버릇없게 굴지마.
don't be mean. 싸가지없게 굴지마.
shut up. 입 다물어.
zip your mouth up. 입 닫아.
watch your mouth. 입조심해라.
watch your step. 조심해서 발 내딛어라.
watch out! 조심해!
=look out! 조심해!
Be careful. 사려라. 몸 사려. 사리면서 가.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
I wanna know what is happening on these things.
이것들이 어떻게 될지 알기 원한다. 어떤 일이 일어날지 알기원한다.
I wanna know what is happening.
You need to get finished filling your story.
너 이야기 채워넣는거 빨리 끝내야한다.
*get finished.
*get started.
Now we are working on writing.
이제 우리 글쓰기 한다.
stop pushing it.
그거좀 그만 밀어.
you are not talking.
너 그만 말해.
dye. 염색하다. (다이)
just get in the folder. 그냥 폴더 안에 넣어.
your group has a tiny left to clean up.
I'm gonna clean up my spot. (내 자리를 청소할거야.)
Move over a little bit. 조금 절로가
Move over on that way. 저 방향으로 조금 움직여.
put your name and date on it.
이름하고 날짜하고 적어라 거기.
underline 'sketch' in a.
a에 있는 sketch란 단어에 밑줄쳐라.
highlight it. 형광팬 쫙 그어라 거기.
get on the 'two' 자 2번.
it's quarter to 10. (지금 9시 45분. )
10 to 10. (9시 50분)
10 after 10. (10시 10분)
언제라고 물어보느라, when을 쓴다고 처음에 생각했는데, 몇시에 뭐뭐해요? 라고 물을 때는 what time을 쓴다. 그리고 스케쥴이나 날짜를 물어볼때는 when 이라고 쓴다.
What date is it toay? 오늘 몇일이지?
pretend to ~ // ~인 척하자.
tidy up. 정리해. (put it way) 다 집어넣어.
타이리 업.
That's being rude. 그거 버릇없는 거다 너.
That's not being rude. 그거 버릇없는거 아닌데.
How long are you staying here? 얼마나 더 머물러 여기?
- I have 2 more months. 2달 더요.
How far is your house from here? 너네집 여기서 얼마나 멀어?
- It takes one and a half hours by car.
'One and a half hours' is right. not hour. cuz one puls half an hour.
One and half an hour. 1시간 반.
원 앤 헤풘 아우얼.
fare deal? 괜찮은 거래지?
glossary 책 뒤에 목차같이 단어가 쭉 나열되어 사전처럼 설명되어 있는것. (단어설명)
grocery shopping list. 장 리스트.
I am going grocery shopping. 나 슈퍼간다.
squish 뭉개다, 꽉 잡다, 찌그러뜨리다.
don't squish my hand. 내 손 꽉 잡지마.
you squished my hand. 너가 내 손 꽉 잡았잖아.
You'd better come back here now.
너 여기로 당장 오는게 좋을걸?
I'll figure it out. 내가 한 번 하는 방법 알아볼게. 내가 풀어볼게. 내가 해결할게.
help her out. 그녀좀 도와줘.
he is going to kill me. 그는 나를 죽일거야.
Let's silently line up. 조용히 줄서자.
Last one lights off please. 마지막사람 불좀꺼줘.
lights please. 불좀 꺼줘, 불좀켜줘.
lights off please.
lights on please.
you don't need to say... turn it on, turn it off.
just use word and preposition...
turn it up, turn it down...
volume up, volume down..
hand it in. 제출하다.
does it make sense? 이거 이해되?
what gonna happen next?
before you turn to page,
페이지 넘기기 전에,
turn into page 123.
page 123을 펼쳐라. 123페이지를 보자.
you have to treat prisoner well.
당신은 죄수들을 잘 대해줘야 한다.
get ready. 준비해.
get started. 시작하자.
remarried. 재혼하다. (remarry)
stepdad 새아빠
stepmom 새엄마
just because 왜냐면 그냥.
You are on the bus today. 너 오늘 버스 탄다.
Are you on a bus today? 너 오늘 버스 타고 가?
I got spiky. 가시 박혔어.
thorn 가시, 가시 면류관,
thorny 가시가 많은, 고통스러운, 다루기 어려운
throne 왕좌, 왕위,
rinse 헹구기, 헹구다.
rinse out 헹구다.
rinse it out.
rinse them out.
help me out. 나좀 도와줘.
can you help him out? 그를 좀 도와줄 수 있어요?
can you help her out Mr.Kong? 그녀좀 도와주세요. 미스터콩.
No more talking. 그만좀 떠들어.
in the middle of ages.
I sat on a chair. 나 의자에 앉았었다.
please sit on a bench right now. 지금 벤치에 당장 앉아주세요.
Can you be a goalie? 골리(골키퍼)좀 해줄래요?
Can you be a net? 그물(골키퍼)좀 해줄래요?
They didn't send them out of Canada. 그들은 그들을 캐나다 밖으로 보내지 않았다.
When we are looking through the pictures,
우리가 이 사진들을 보면,
Do you know what was? 뭐였는지 알아?
A lot of soldiers would be sick. 많은 군인들이 아플거야.
immune to sick
immune system (이뮨 씨스템) => 면역체계
Are you working on~?
Are you working on a math?
Are you working on your job?
Can you give me a favor?
Can I ask your favor?
Can I have your favor?
Copisew 카피쉬. (I got it) => copy that. 알았다.오바.
fill in this blank. 빈칸채워라.
fill out this form. 이 양식 작성해라.
Wrap it up = finish up. 끝내. 끝내라.
I got angry
I am gonna get boring.
I'm so touched by your word again.
DAB? lol
you know the routine.
quit tapping.
Quit talking.
Quit what you are doing.
Quit talking when I am talking.
Can you move up a bit this way?
Put the extra on there.
Are you just about done? 거의다끝나감?
비디오 injection(넣기) / ejection(꺼내기)
May I get a drink please?
Everybody needs to be on a math.
I'm not allowed to tell you.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
hairdresser bashes interracial couple - what would you do?
bash : 누군가를 세게 때리다, 공격하다 이런 의미.
H - hairdresser, Hair Stylist
A - actress
H : so you've seen anybody lately? (요즘 누구 만나? )
A : Yes, and I have dinner with his parents/ tonight. (응, 나 오늘 밤에 그의 부모님과 저녁먹어)
but when kara(캐롸) asked about slim's new boyfriend.
H : Is he tall, dark, and handsome?
A : Yeah, he's tall, definitely(데프너틀리) handsome,// but.. here he is now.
The response/ is not exactly /what she expected.
H : wait, you 웨러 white guy? you should be would(?) strong black man.
H : oh no, /you date with a white boy? /
the beauty shop was bustling.
(*bustle :
1. to move or act with a great show of energy (often followed by about):
Protest, tear gas
I saw a picture. At there, a person who got tear gas in her eye. And she was suffering in that picture.
최루탄 tear gas,
항의 시위 protest
Don't you dare do that!
Don't do that!
그거 하지마.
Don't you do that!
너 그거 하지마!
Don't you dare do that!
너 그거 감히 하지마!
Look What you've done.
Look what you've done?
봐. 너가한거.
의역. 너가 이거 망쳐놨잖아.
Look what I've done.
내가 이거 망쳤네..
Look what he has done.
그가 망쳐놨어.
Look what she's done.
그녀가 그거 망쳐놨어.
I'm gonna go swimmimg tonight.
I'm gonna go swimming.
나 오늘 수영갈거야.
Go swimming으로 쓰는건 알았지만.
I am going swimming인지.
I am going to go swimming 인지.
근데 표현중에 이런게 있더라.
I am gonna go fishing.
이렇게 쓰니까.
I am gonna go swimming으로 해야겠다. 말할때도 어색하지도 않고.
I am gonna go skating tonight.
Are you gonna go skating tonight?
Are you gonna watch a movie tonight?
Are you gonna go hiking tomorrow?
Are we gonna go dirtbiking today?
Try not to drink coffee.
Try not to drink coffee.
커피 안 마시려고 한다.
다른 의미.
I am not tring to do.
나는 그거 하려고 하지 않고 있다.
나는 그거 하려고 시도하지 않고 있다.
안 하려고 하는 건.
Try와 to 사이에 not을 넣으면 되고.
시도를 안하고 있는건 그냥 부정문으로 쓰면된다.
Blender 믹서기.
verb (used with object), blended or blent, blending.
to mix smoothly and inseparably together:
to blend the ingredients in a recipe.
to mix (various sorts or grades) in order to obtain a particular kind or quality:
Blend a little red paint with the blue paint.
verb (used without object), blended or blent, blending.
to mix or intermingle smoothly and inseparably:
I can't get the eggs and cream to blend.
Friday, October 28, 2016
- 2.informala motion picture."a Hollywood action flick"
- 1.propel (something) with a sudden sharp movement, especially of the fingers."Emily flicked some ash off her sleeve"
Knock out. 기절시키다. 고장나게 하다. (out of order)
The lightening knocked out electricity to the entire city.
knocked out = out of order / breakdown.
knockout => Look at her. She is knockout. It means gorgeous woman like that.
Watch your mouth / Language /말 조심해!
둘 다 말 조심해! 라는 뜻
c.f.) I have been watched, but I knocked up my girlfriend.
Now I have to marry her because I am responsible guy.
What a bargain. (와 진짜 싸다.)
(와 진짜 싸다.)
but that was a knockoff like a fake.
knockoff means fake,copy, or imitation.
an item intended to look like something it is not.
make it fall / 넘어지게 만들다.
넘어지게 만들다.
My friends were playing with domino. But by mistake, I made it fall.
It knocked downed.
hop on / hop in (차에 타! or 야! 타!)
hop on
-hop on (to something)
-hop in
hop in (to something)
Mother-in-law (장모님을 영어로?)
Mother-in-law. (*Should be capitalized)
장인어른을 영어로?
시누이를 영어로?
I didn't know that here also has a problem between mother in law and wife.
That was interesting.
I saw this articles. Like How to deal with Mother in law. and 10 things never to say to your Mother-in-law.