Saturday, October 15, 2016


- We head off to the gym. 
** Head off : To depart for some destination
*She's heading off to New York City next week.
*He headed off for the mountains for his annual vacation.

- Keep going then, 
- Keep working 
- Get your work. 

- If you are stuck, put your hand up. 


- Can you bring it here, please?

- Leave it face down. 

** 뒷면으로 놓아라.
*face down

- Turn it over.
** 뒤집어라
*turn it over

*turn it over

- Don't come up here. 
** 여기로 오지마. (나한테 오지마, 나한테 그거 가져오지마.)
* Don't bring it here(?) or Don't bring it up here(?)
I am not sure which one is right.

c.f.) Bring (someone) up

*** 'look after a child until it is an adult.'

e.g.) she and Lenny brought up her brother's four children.

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